Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself to you. I am not so well in English writings. Be kind.

I am Irina Spektor.

I write tonight for Mark as needs rest from his blog. He has been doing much writing to make this happen and he is weary. He said to me he was fried-out and it bothered him much.

I am now in Odessa Ukraine. I was born child of Pripyat but we fled home in April 1986 after horrible mistake. I can still hear sounds of men over raspy hand horns telling us to enter buses and leave.

I thank him for trusting me to aide him. Trusting me to enter place so special and dear to him. His private secret place in his heart.

I found this place expiencing boredom and sailing web. I still have memories of day when I discovered this place of teaching. I type psychopathy in googles after reading about Andrei Chikatilo and I found here.

I felt much as I read and cried through his words. Such madness in people at people to serve self. I read stories of animals of human forms digesting others. What it was like to be digested. I thought of many men known through life and thought many terrible delights. I was captured and told friends of this place.

When he changed greenwords on blog by adding Facebook searched find. I friended him he accepted my wish to be with this man who writes of desparations.

Thinking in veins of blog, I have been used by many men over years been hurt and sad. These men liked looks of me and messed with mind to gather things that were mine. I felt grief as they left my life and said how they sorried me.

I gave earned Hryvnia to aide them in troubled times. I of gentle heart would aide with no question. I may have dumbs in emotions on this.

I have learned in past months to watch and concerns with. Follow heart still with watchfull eyes to thought provoke self.

Had many shared things with friends I shared with this place. They told me things of lifes I cannot put here whith no permissions.

So I end first entry here.

большая любовь, Марк

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