Thursday, April 5, 2012

Songs from the Contributors

Songs that helped some put their words and emotions out there.

The Prey and Predator alike: What they played as they put themselves out there.

These songs should be listened to to get a better understanding of their authors feelings or lack there of. To music we go: and those that put music to their words”

MWD: call this unlikely, but I will stand this song as what guides me…

Abigail: to William: may this give you peace as you read the writings of others as you do mine. Yours, always,



Dude, This is Catherine. Don’t cut yourself for anyone. You are above such petty things. Plain and simple truth, Mark.


Several from UCLA:

Spirit of House.

We love you, Mark William Darus!

This is YOUR anthem to us at UCLA;

Rock it, baby!

You are a HOUSE in your words and you really do need a stripper! If you come to LA, we will hook you up! The love of others of the mind.,,,,’
Love: UCLA, CSU, MIT, YALE, and so forth in regards to strippers….
AN: thank you! What can I say? Heterosexual here!
To you, Mr. Darus; This song held me while I wrote you about being eaten as I cut myself and slashed my inner thighs.

Joni, at a Mc’Ds in Chicago, a victim and growing up again in gods eyes. To you:
Dude, you are thist to su, fucker. Jam bitch! Call it as you see it