Friday, October 19, 2012

Shadows on my Mind: Harder than Diamonds.

                                         Shadows on my Mind.
                                         Harder than Diamonds.

                                        By Mark William Darus

To what do I owe for the amazing gifts I have been given? In the last two months I have had two of my photographs become book covers. I am stunned in a way so unfamiliar that I have thrown up twice today. My God, two covers and possibly a third.


I feel something is happening to me. I have no idea what though. It’s sort of exhilarating and frightening at the same time. It’s like I have somehow stumbled into some obscure movie that it so slightly based in reality that I’m almost afraid I’ll wake up and find it an illusion.

Since July 2012, I have taken over 8000 photographs, generally liking about 10 percent of those. Such is the luxury of digital photography, oddly something I had little interest in as opposed to 35mm SLR’s. In the last two months or so, throwing myself into workings of my Fuji, I taught myself to only shoot in manual mode.

When I go on my journeys, usually with a huge cup of coffee and a pack of L&M’s, I am usually alone. It’s not that I don’t like being around friends when I shoot so much as I feel it wrong to ignore them. I get absorbed wherever I go to the point that my surroundings become my lover, it’s embrace so warm and welcome.

From a written standpoint, this will the least amount of words I have ever entered on my Blog.









At this point after taking the last two to three hours reviewing, I think I know those that should be thanked.
I humbly thank Ryn Cricket and Deborah Gilbert for thinking enough of my shots to place them on your books. I would also like to thank all my Facebook friends for their kind words of encouragement.
But it is with profound gratitude that I say this: Big thanks as well as milk and kisses to the loyal readers of Psychopathy: Another Life! I don't think I would've returned to photography if it hadn't been for you.

                       To everyone, to my god, nature, cold man made steel, I bow to you for the gifts you share with me.

Mark William Darus 10192012



  1. You seem different tonight...more concentrated.

  2. Your photography is awesome. Keep on with what you're doing. You touch the soul of what you see.
