Friday, May 24, 2024

NURSES WEEK 2024: And the many times my Company deleted it from a Community Wall

This post of mine got deleted again after posting this 6th time: LOL/ WOW, I guess I should feel honored in being DELETED SO MANY times in one night over the subject of NURSES. I sincerely question the reason for this, but consider the source. Again I will attempt to post this. MY MOTHER WAS A NURSE AND SHE TAUGHT ME A GREAT DEAL! ROUND FOUR: DING! Just wish share. Good evening everyone! I apparently missed the boat as I should have posted this several days ago and for that I sincerely apologize. This week is NURSES APPRECIATION WEEK! The value of a Nurse is amazing and how many of us have not been touched or a loved one by their sincere and never ending care for us when needed? A few facts regarding the origin of this week. The American Nurses Association is celebrating National Nurses Week 2024 May 6 - May 12, and throughout May. This year's theme, "Nurses Make the Difference," honors the incredible nurses who embody the spirit of compassion and care in every health care setting. Join us in recognizing the invaluable contributions of nurses worldwide. Whether you're a health care professional, a patient, or simply someone who appreciates nurses' dedication, this is your chance to express gratitude and support for their capability and fortitude. Let’s come together to celebrate Nurses Week 2024 and show our appreciation for these extraordinary professionals! My Mother was a nurse during World War 2 and her teachings to me when growing up made me prepared for a great deal. When I suffered a sprained ankle after a Cross Country practice and I was screwed for several days, she gave me a copy of a Medical book called Grays Anatomy written in 1858 . I devoured it and learned a vast amount of information. I've been hugely lucky and happy to have dated many Nurses in my 61 years of life. We'd share stories and experiences and educate each other. After dating a Nurse for 15 years we became married in 2015.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Valentines day in ScareyLand

Valentines day in ScareyLand by Mark William Darus sopnSodtre3ht03it2390u216m5 2 g h 3ug6414tc2ia 2 85fmhmt2a9877c23t · Shared with Public HAPPY VALETINES DAY TO ALL! OH MY GOD, WHAT A DAY THIS WAS WITH ME! lol. It started out like a normal Wednesday morning at work. Each of my brothers (Dan, Jeremy and Doug) working, dealing and attempting to solve whatever challenges await us. At 7AM I went to my Safety Committee Meeting, lead by our EHS supervisor Logan Steel. We, as a team, openly discussed concerns and a few improvements that have taken place in the last week or so. I love being a part of this TEAM as I feel important for the benefit of all. Well, about an hour after the meeting, I was asked for a meeting with our Plant Manager, Tim (T-BIRD) Stull to go over a few points to be shared in our monthly TOWNHALL MEETING in regards to SAFETY . (Well, a TOWNHALL MEETING is our companies way of sharing information and statuses that have occurred in roughly the last 30 days giving all employees where we stand.) While Tim and I were going over what could be presented, he asked me if I would present this info. I agreed to his request. OH MY GOD! I CANNOT BELIEVE I AGREED TO THIS! I exited the Office area of work wondering what I had just accepted. I'm a writer and like the comfort of sharing behind the scenes in the comfort of my CompyRoom. I have NEVER done public speaking before in my 61 years of life. When I came back to my Final Assembly/Honing area, a few of my brothers and sisters asked me why I was called into the Office. They thought I was in trouble for something. I told them what I agreed to. They seemed happy I wasn't in trouble. At about 10:51AM this morning, yours truly, did his first presentation before a group of a 100 plus employees after PM Tim handed me the mic. First off, I have never spoken into a PA system before and hearing voice amplified felt strange to me. I HAVE NEVER FELT THIS SCARED SINCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.! It seemed almost surreal to me, like some bizarre dream my mind sent me into. Well, with noticeably shaking hand on mic, fearfully looking at my Work-Family, I gave the information to present. After that meeting came Lunch. I sat in my car, smoking L@Ms Turkish Blend, >and yes, we are NOT allowed to smoke on company property< I was pondering how bad I sucked. Yes, I really do not think I did that good at all. Then It occurred to me that after lunch I'd have to do it all over again for the 2nd half of our company. I then said to myself: Well, could it possibly be any worse??? JUST RELAX A BIT. I think my second time around went better, though shaky. Funny how life is. I felt today like I was learning to walk all over again. Hours later thinking about it, in my COMPYROOM, I might do better next time.... As we get older, we can all still learn something new about ourselves if given the chance. Thank you for your time, -Mark.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Yet another Accident at work today.

Yet another Accident at work today.
This will probably get deleted from my company wall.... Oh FUCKING WELL! After another injury in company, if felt compelled to post this on the company wall. Hi everyone! Just a reminder from me about safety. A moment of thought before doing something is worth far more than a painful event. Please consider what you are doing before actually doing it. Granted, you may be very young with perhaps no or limited experience with machines such as Lathes/ Bridgeports, Cincy Grinders or Band Saws. When I had new hires in my department, and I or another would train them, I EMPHASISED THIS: Know this. There is not a machine in this place that would not hurt or maim if you give them the chance to do so. That, in my opinion, is how MACHINE SHOPS are. There is a ton of trial and error while learning... In Honing, I do not believe there is one us that hasn't gotten hurt over the years at one point or another. Sure, some guarding came of this, yet that never worked. What we did learn in Honing was to be more attentive and know when to realize something was seizing and pull our hands away. NOT WEAR HEADPHONES, PAY ATTEMTION AND JUST mind what were doing amidst distraction. SAFETY IS EVERYONES JOB. I wish us all a safer week. Stay mindful at what you are doing and the task at hand. YOUR HANDS. As always, MARK IN HONING, FLYINGSCOOTER AND/////

Saturday, February 3, 2024


INTROVERT TO EXTROVERT: FINAL 02032024 From previous expresion I wish to share this with you.
GOING FROM INTROVERT TO A LOUD AND PROUD MAN IN 7 DAYS//// I've added some previous post to this before digging into an area I believe important about my history. Please grant me some area on this as the original incomplete post was from around 9 years ago. Sorry... Here we go//// Thirty Six years ago this Summer: I became an Extrovert. by Mark William DArus. I loved to ten speed bike around with my friends. We did this nearly all year round, biking everywhere to see whatever there was to capture in our minds. I was a recent 16 year old when I was accepted for a Methodist Camping trip that involved biking. A close friend of mine also tried for it but was somehow denied and caps were filled. When I, accepted and him, denied, I told my folks I wanted to back out. They said no, so off I went into what I perceived as 'ScareyLand'. Scareyland should always be looked at as a real place in anothers mind when dealing with exceptionally shy teenage boys and girls somehow seeking more or at least something different based on their unique abilities. Scareyland. Often bullied in my youngest walkings to school, this, learning via my father how to stand for myself and fight back against them, I so remember an xmas years long before this, that he bought he and I matching boxing gloves to teach me how to defend myself. In modern times, parents would be seeking lawyers. Fuck it, though, I think my fathers way was better. Let them hash it out. Of those days boxing with dad in a cold and clamy basement, and on the other side I made pretty/fragrant candles in the very same area, he patiently softly punched my stomach, head and groin. Each time he connected, he told me how to defend against such jabs. We would go over it, time and again til I got it right. Over and over he I and i would do this. I, was like maybe nine then, when he taught me how to stand against bullies. My Father was a Marine. When I asked him about his basic training, he'd go blank and tell me nothing. In his footlocker I found, during a boring lonely summer day of my youth, his Basic Training Marine Corps manuals. I was about 10 then. Frankly, I can see why he didn't show me this while we were boxing. I have little doubt I would have become a total killing freak after reading that piece of work. So, thanks FAther, and also to my Mother, for influence during that boxing time frame, teaching me, impressing on me other avenues avenues of defending oneself against an aggressor. My Mother would say: Mark: Physical confrontation only occurs when both sides have nothing further intelligent to say. So, I learned how to stand to bullies and not give up my lunch money, the lunch my mother made for me with loving hands. A lot can be said about physical desensitization Yes, during my elementary years, there were many. I'd end such confrontations after my dads lessons with perhaps a black eye, bloody nose and or fat lip, but I stood above their asses, saying to them : "You want mine! Really? Give me yours!" and I'd look at thier brutes friends and say, "c'mon, you really want this?" So I learned how to defend myself. That was most cool in the 1970's but even better nowadays. Wouldn't you agree that the teaching of 8 and older females children should not learn the value of pepper spray? Think about it, really.... Take time and reread if needed. ScareyLand goes yet sideways in most avenues of experience. When self and strangers are faced with one another for the first time. This is a place of gathering like the worst of blind dates. A human mental collision of everything we hold sacred within ourselves Imagine being thrust into a world of others as an introvert. My parents took me to the place this Methodist Bike Camp would start. I felt so scared and frightened as they hug and kissed me goodbye, smiling and wishing me luck in my adventure for the next 7 days. Seven days away from everything I knew, enjoyed. What the fuck did I know about camping??? For fucks sake we never did that as a family. Sure. My sister Heidi and I would sometimes make a tent in the diningroom under a table near the air conditioner during the summer. I thought I was about to die as I met those I'd spend 7 days with. All of us were total strangers to each other. I met teens from Coshockton, Sandusky, Seville, Loudonville, Girard and about 2 other areas in Ohio. When meeting, most of us looked like deer's in the headlights about to get run over. The intro's were so awkward and sketchy as all us stumble with each telling a bit about themselves and where they are from/ Tossed into a world of strangers and.... AUTHORS NOTE: HAVING THE WEEKEND OFF, I WILL CONTINUE THIS.. THANKS FOR READING MY WORDS! -MARK WILLIAM DARUS i BEGAN THIS A WHILE AGO... it is tonight I wish to share how personal transformations can occur when you least expect it. I was dumped into a camp of 4 other kids from bizzareland Ohio. City names that in my 16 yrs of age never heard of.... Seville, Coshocton, Homer and others... On meeting each other, our two adult guides, (One male who was FUCKING AWESOME and a female Med Student studying at Ohio Weslyan University who could play a guitar and sing so sweet, and yes, I fell in love with her. Alas, My sister went to the same college as her. Nope, nothing happened between us except so many wonderful memories of visiting her as I visisted my sister. I can so remember the strumming guitar as she sand to me in her dorm room. Sorry, gotta end this for now... FLOLDED WITH MEMORIES AND MY EYES ARE LEAKING SHOWERS OF OLDER AND WONDERUL HAPPY THOUGHTS SO MUCH BETTER THAN TODAYS EVENTS IN LIFE. LOVE AND HUGS Mark

Friday, February 2, 2024

I am requesting your thoughts on aging as you get older.

I am requesting your thoughts on aging as you get older. If you can take the time to share, I would love for you to express your thoughts and impressions on getting old in current society. I would like to do a writing on others experiences while getting older. I would ask you to grant me what you have experienced as you've aged. The changes of things over the decades of your life and such . NOTE THIS: GIVEN YOUR SHARING I WILL NEVER GIVE YOUR NAME IN DOING SO. Thank you, Mark William Darus/ FLYINGSCOOTER

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Please pray for those that family members recently pass.

Please pray for those that family members recently pass. Just me being me. Posted this on my company wall/ NOTE, THIS IS VERY SAD.
It is with sadness I felt compelled to share this with you. I would like for you to either pray or give positive thoughts toward two families and their friends I work with that have had family members recently passing. I will not share their names nor position in respect to them. Know this from me: It is not important to know who is hurting, suffering and in deep sorrow for YOU to give, pray, postitive vibes for them to receive in support. I merely ask each of us to show little more than a gentle and loving thought for their family and friends for them in our busy day. What's left of my sincere heart goes out to those struggling with a loss of loved one. You may or may not know those, Doesn't matter, really. Just wish them the best you can in prayer, doing some Wican thing, or just wishing them well outside of yourself... -Mark in Honing... FLYINGSCOOTER.... crying Squirrel/

Friday, January 26, 2024


I posted on my company wall again. I think they might delete it, so as always, I post it here. Hello Brothers and Sisters! I post this as I believe we can ALL create a safer place working with each other. SAFETY IS EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY. No matter what your title, position or department, if YOU believe something is unsafe, PLEASE TELL YOUR LEAD, SUPERVISOR, Logan or me in the Honing Dept near Toms office toward the front office. Just ask for Mark, someone will send you to me. I believe we can all do far greater/SAFER in this new year than previous years. It will take each and everyone of us to make this happen. Please, stop texting and such and STEP UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR ALL OF US! Well, Our Company made the News today and this is not good. We created a Safety Committee at the guidance of a very talented man about 3 months ago. I am a member of this Team and we are diligently striving to correct issues and create a Culture where Safety is first and foremost to all. We, all together, have the ability to make a difference to wipe out the history shown in that article. Yes, it will take time, but good things come with time spent wisely and with open hearts and minds, WHO'S WITH ME ON THIS??? Mark in Honing.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Happy New Year!

Hi all!. I wish for you and your families a peaceful and blessed New Year. AUTHORS NOTE: THIS POST WILL HAVE SOME DARKNESS TO IT. That being said, you have been warned. This last 12 months in my life both at work and outside has taught me , of further areas slammed into my life the COMPLETE IMPORTANCE OF APPRECIATION TOWARD ONE ANOTHER as so many died this year. We are all so fragile in this life we'd like to believe we have more time left. We'd like to believe we have more time. Sure, we all hope for this as I do the same. I often look at my wife, a 40 year Nurse, who is living with vastly incredible pain, and even with all the gifts I've been given have little clue how to aide her.... I do what I can for her.... We all need to look out for and protect one another this New Year coming/ . My Mother taught me to Hope for the Best, but be Prepared for the worst. i wish for all my family, friends and WORK FAMILY the best of this Brave New Year that is going to land on us. Stand Tall in your beliefs and NEVER SURRENDER as Society should enforce you to do. Take a few seconds and BE PATIENT WITH ALL PEOPLE YOU ENCOUNTER. Cross a bridge from simply reacting toward merely thinking. -FLYINGSCOOTER, MARK IN HONING////

Sunday, November 5, 2023

As We Get Older, Life Stops Giving Us.

As We Get Older, Life Stops Giving Us. We are all born in this life to a mother that gave us life. We are all given a chance to grow and learn how to crawl, walk and run. We are all given the ability to think and solve problems and run, if lucky enough to have parents that allowed us to do so. Sadly, so many children are abused, molested and raised in such toxic households that warp them so horrifically. WE ARE ALL GIVEN AN EQUAL CHANCE AT OUR BIRTH. EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR EARLY YEARS IS ABOUT NOT ONLY CHANCE HAPPENINGS BUT THOSE THAT RAISED US. How many of you have ever asked why you may be racist when you were never crossed by someone you were raised to hate? As we get older Life Stops Giving Us... It is from there, at some point Our lives lose familiar things we loved and perhaps took for granted as we aged. Getting older and aging I find an odd ground to walk in my life. I like to believe I have an open mind toward most things, yet I find myself somewhat vastly pissed off where this world is going. Really, did COVID KILL 24 hour shopping so needed by many? I so wonderfully remember my wife and I shopping in the weeee hours of the morning just romping around and about sharing smiles and thoughts with the nightshifts at Giant Eagle, Walmart and very briefly Meijers. How many family restaurants changed their offerings to only breakfast and lunch? Shifting gears as my thoughts attempt to find something wonderful to write about now... SHIT, I am listening the Beatles Eight days a Week right now, and for CHRISTS SAKE even this song isn't working... I often sing this song to my BOGGIES, they romp around me, smiling, sometimes slicing my arms with their loving paws... Both my dogs, Storm and Smoke flank my right and left side me as I write this. I take a moment and place my hands on their beautiful heads, rubbing them. I need to stop writing now, sorry. thank you for reading. Mark Perhaps I will just live in a dream..

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Another update for my sister, Heidi

Another Update for my sister Heidi. Her amputation surgery that was scheduled for last Monday got bumped to tomorrow, 10/13/2023. Apparently it is now scheduled for next week sometime.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?! I cannot imagine, while very sedated, what her mind is running with as her wishes to just get this over with and it repeatedly gets postponed like some Blossom Concert due to understaffing or bad weather predictions. If you were in her shoes, about to lose one of them, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL with running delays ? I LOVE MY SISTER AND HAVE THE BEST OF MEMORIES WITH HER AND EVERYTHING WE DID IN OUR YOUTH. They (Medical professionals) tell you need a fast Amputation to prevent a bone/skin killing infection to spread further and THEN FUCKING REPEATEDLY SET THE DATE FARTHER OUT??? Is it just me or does this seem horrifically wrong? One has to wonder if Hospitals make more money on Amputations the longer a patient with good Medicals Beneifits can aid their larger plans when needing to stay in the hospital and CANNOT be at their home given IV pain-Meds and an inability to walk by themselves. I am sorry if any of you find my thoughts unsettling. I can only share them with you. PRAY FOR HEIDI, MY SISTER, PLEASE. Thank you for consideration to her. =Mark William Darus

Monday, October 9, 2023

How does one write about a their sister having a foot and partial leg amputated?

How does one write about a their sister having a foot and partial leg amputated? I feel utterly lost writing this. My sister Heidi is going under the blade tomorrow have a foot and part of leg taken from her due to some infection. I just found this out tonight and my mind is spinning so frantically toward her when she gave me this info tonight. >sorry if I get redundent. Bare with it, please.) Notified work that I would NOT be there tomorrow, sent an email to my plant manager and notified my crew/work family. I cannot imagine the losing a foot or leg. I sincerely cannot take in such horrific news as given by Doctors thay say you desparetly need such or worse could occur in your life. She was told after sugery she would gain prothetics and therapy and learn to live again in a normal life. FUCK! I love my sister, and am so sorry she has to go thru this. I so remeember all of us as kids on Scranton Rd in Cleveland running around during all seasons the 1970's tossed at us. Didn't matter how cold or hot it got, Heidi always ran with us either with hide and seek or football. Such precious memories fill my heart and am so grateful for that. I ask all of you to wish her the best as she is about to experience a change in life most of us would never have to deal with. Thank you, Mark This song was always special to Heidi and I.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Thoughts on aging


                                                 Thoughts on aging.

             As we all get older we discover things changing not just in Society but within our bodies as well.

             It is a sunny and windy day in Eastlake, Ohio, USA. The sounds of Lake Erie's crashing water  against the shoreline can be heard from our home about a quarter mile from it, making me smile, get strength from nature with its  power and impact.  Leaving my home this morning, smelling the chilly Autumn  air as dying leaves begin to fall, harkening  in its Season for all to embrace and enjoy. 

            Another season coming for us to enjoy and cherish with it's visual beauty and smell.

            As we age, I personally   believe we take more interest in such  Seasonal Changes as we will have fewer left to see, react  and take part in.


            The older I get, realizing my lifespan is dwindling down to a few years if lucky,  perhaps less as things do happen. It is my wish to try to express my love for life both with my words via sudden thought,  to share and photography and maybe inspire others to do and share the same in their lives.

            The inspiration behind this post came from my wife, who last Friday got a spinal injection to eliminate pain. She's a 40 year NURSE that clearly her decades of service caught up with her.  Well, her sitting in the bedroom this afternoon asked me to do some laundry for her. The laundry room is a two downward steps from the kitchen. No sweat for me, not so much for her.  I told her I would and she handed me a bundle of Nurse wear, underwear and such. 

          Not sure why, having done this so many times before for her, a thought hit me.

          There is a certain fragility in life as we age with one another. There are areas that we can do for one another for whatever reason: Be it love, admiration or mere respect, there is so much we can do to aide others in your life. 


         We can all be vibrantly  active and have  it swept from us in a slender  moment of time for a host of reasons. We could stumble over an idle dog-toy and roll an ankle, trip over a curb and falling into a Icecube cooler/hitting your head or a work accident. Life is FRAGILE.  RESPECT THAT, NOT ONLY WITH YOURSELF BUT OTHERS AS WELL.

          Life is simple  when it comes to consideration for others. Something as simple as looking around you when you enter a  Speedway, convenience store, seeing a somewhat wobbly person walking and just taking a moment to hold a door open for them could aide them in ways amazing.  What would a few seconds hurt you in doing so for someone?

           Well, I'm about to place my wifes laundry into to the dryer, completing a cycle of this day.

          Aging is tough.

          Funny how I may be 61 years old, I really don't feel that old. Not sure why this is. 

         It is my wish each and everyone of you have a great and safe week ahead!


          Please consider my thoughts.











Friday, September 29, 2023

Going from Introvert to Extrovert Part Two. (a long time for this second part....sorry)



                    I've added some previous post to this before digging into an area I believe important about my history. Please grant me some area on this as the original incomplete post was from around 9 years ago.


                Here we go////

                                  Thirty Six years ago this Summer: I became an Extrovert.

                                                             Mark William DArus.

                    I loved to ten speed bike around with my friends. We did this nearly all year round, biking everywhere to see whatever there was to capture in our minds.

                    I was a recent 16 year old when I was accepted for a Methodist Camping trip that involved biking. A close friend of mine also tried for it but was somehow denied and caps were filled.  When I, accepted and him, denied, I told my folks I wanted to back out.

                   They said no, so off I went into what I perceived as 'ScareyLand'.

                   Scareyland should always  be looked at as a real place in anothers mind when dealing with exceptionally shy teenage boys and girls somehow seeking more or at least something different based on their unique abilities. Scareyland.

                    Often bullied in my youngest walkings to school, this, learning via my father how to stand for myself and fight back against them, I so remember an xmas  years long before this, that he bought he and I matching boxing gloves to teach me how to defend myself. In modern times, parents would be seeking lawyers. Fuck it, though, I think my fathers way was better. Let them hash it out.

                   Of those days boxing with dad in a cold and clamy basement, and on the other side I made pretty/fragrant candles in the very same area, he patiently softly punched my stomach, head and groin. Each time he connected, he told me how to defend against such jabs. We would go over it, time and again til I got it right.  Over and over he I and i would do this.

                    I, was like maybe nine then, when he taught me how to stand against bullies.  My Father was a Marine. When I asked him about his basic training, he'd go blank and tell me nothing.

                     In his footlocker I found, during a boring lonely summer day of my youth,  his Basic Training Marine Corps manuals. I was about 10 then. Frankly, I can see why he didn't show me this while we were boxing. I have little doubt I would have become a total killing freak after reading that piece of work. So, thanks FAther, and also to my Mother, for influence during that boxing time frame, teaching me, impressing on me other avenues avenues of defending oneself against an aggressor. My Mother would say: Mark: Physical confrontation only occurs when both sides have nothing further intelligent to say.

                         So, I learned how to stand to bullies and not give up my lunch money, the lunch my mother made for me with loving hands.

                        A lot can be said about physical desensitization

              Yes, during my elementary years, there were many. I'd end such confrontations after my dads lessons with perhaps a black eye, bloody nose and or fat lip, but I stood above their asses, saying to them : "You want mine! Really? Give me yours!"  and I'd look at thier brutes friends and say, "c'mon, you really want this?"

                         So I learned how to defend myself. That was most cool in the 1970's but even better nowadays. Wouldn't you agree that the teaching of 8 and older females children should not learn the value of pepper spray?

                         Think about it, really.... Take time and reread if needed.

                         ScareyLand goes yet sideways in most avenues of experience. When self and strangers are faced with one another for the first time.  This is a place of gathering like the worst of blind dates. A human mental collision of everything we hold sacred within ourselves

                        Imagine being thrust into a world of others as an introvert. 
     My parents took me to the place this Methodist Bike Camp would start.
           I felt so scared and frightened as they hug and kissed me goodbye, smiling and wishing me luck in my adventure for the next 7 days.
             Seven days away from everything I knew, enjoyed.
              What the fuck did I know about camping??? For fucks sake we never did that as a family.
              Sure. My sister Heidi and I would sometimes make a tent in the diningroom under a table near the air conditioner during the summer. 
                      I thought I was about to die as I met those I'd spend 7 days with. All of us were total strangers to each other.  
                      I met teens from Coshockton, Sandusky, Seville, Loudonville, Girard and about 2 other areas in Ohio.
                        When meeting, most of us looked like deer's in the headlights about to get run over.
                         The intro's were so awkward and sketchy as all us stumble with each telling a bit about themselves and where they are from/

                       Tossed into a world of strangers and....


Saturday, September 16, 2023

NURSES: PART 4. The sharing of an Administrator of a large Assisted living facility and her struggles.


             NURSES: PART 4. The sharing of an Administrator of a large Assisted living facility and her struggles.  

            This is the sharing of  a 30 year Registered Nurse.

             I'll respect her wish and not say her name or location. 

                 Here's what she shared with me/

                 Thank you. Mark for reading what I sent to you and wishing to put my shit out on your blog! 

                    I'm a Nursing Admin in a large Assisted Living Facility on the West of (Location deleted to protect the provider and their wish for anonymity.) 

                   It is my duty/job to cover all scheduling bases  24/7  a week, deal with call-offs, no-call no-shows and medical leaves of absence that HR NEVER FUCKING TELLS ME ABOUT! 

                 It is my job to make sure each of our Residents/Patients are covered and well taken care of ALL OF THE TIME. 


                 We hire Nursing Aides that maybe show up two our of every five days of work/

                 LPN's that only have to work 3 twelve hour shifts a week  calling off for a stubbed toe or. forgive me for saying: 'Seriously Painful Period" when I know they are in their late 50's of ago! 

                I get reports from  wonderful LPN's that tell me some of the Aides are getting "Frisky" with the residents, perhaps touching their bodies in inappropriate ways.

                 Sure,  I log this information, forward it to HR for appropriate action as I know little will change.

                   WE are so desperate  for a work force, and I so struggle with this all day long, We no longer do BACKGROUND CHECKS for future employees.  We have fired a few Aides for attempting to have sex with residents/patients after their families reported this to us. THESE THINGS SHOULD NOT HAVE EVER POSSILBY HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! 

              Mark ,  I wonder if I would be happier  and    better at (location hidden) in an Emergency Room  merely removing Motts Apple Sauce Jars, dead hamsters and Lake Erie fish from male rectums.,  I know that sounds disgusting, vile and very wrong, yet still this should tell you what I think.

             Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts. 

              -(name withheld)  Struggling and Hoping. 

       I wish to humbly thank you for your written thoughts and all else  on my blog. Hugs and BY ALL FUCKING MEANS: KEEP THE FAITH AND SPIRIT IN YOUR HEART ALIVE IN ALL  YOU DO!


Friday, September 15, 2023

Nurses: part 3. When they lay they're tired heads to bed, do they pray or just cash checks?



                In this question  I throw out to OUR WORLD as I had asked a few Nurses I know this question doing a face to face with them a few days ago/ 

              I was surprised by some of the responses I received,  yet considering their workplaces and ratings on many a Social Media site, took me a step back in thought. 

         Mary (an LPN in assisted Living Facility with 25 years experience)  expressed this to me: "Mark, I work three to four twelves (12 hour shifts)  a day as an LPN.  My current employer is, for some reason okay with aides being late or calling off that is infuriating to me!  We , as  LPN's have to pick up their slack which my employer allows. WHAT THE FUCK!?!  

         Company thinking seems to be: 'Well, you're a nurse!  You can handle dishing out meds, change bedding and lift the fallen from the floor!  Sorry a few called off, but you BEST DEAL WITH IT!" 

          Last  night as I was working a 7pm to 7am shift, I was told to in a Text from my Boss to "TAKE CARE OF THE THINGS as 3 aides called off  and a husband of another LPN called of as her husband was rushed the hospital as he was hit by a truck..

           I texted my bitch boss the following:  So, damn sorry to hear all this. When are you coming to help me? Given what you said, I am the only Nurse having no aides  responsible for 48 patients?

          Given her response,  which blew my mind in an area I never thought conceivable , for the first time in my life I walked off a job and immediately quit!   

           Her response was: "Sorry, Mary! I really need a vaca right now, I won't come in to assist you. Just deal with it a document everything. If you need to do a double shift (that being 24 hrs worked) I will authorize that. That would be a great check Mary!"


           Mark, when I lay my head to rest for sleep,  I pray for my friends, coworkers and patients. I also pray all their pets and friends.   I also pray for my family, they really don't like me and that's okay. 


         I wish to thank you for giving me an avenue to speak my mind..



         Mary, I thank you for your sharing. 

           You will not be without a job for long. NURSES ARE A RARE BREED THESE DAYS. 




Saturday, September 9, 2023




          Note this: She asked me to post this and share her experience as a nurse during current times.  She calls herself ANNA.  I thank her for her sharing and will abide her wish to be anonymous.  


                That being said, here's ANNA'S  story,  in her words, thoughts and emotions as  she wished to share across many avenues of  Nursing/.

                  HERE'S her words though I may edit a bit.  

                                       ANNA, CLEAN THE MUSHROOMS!!!

                                     My BOSS IS A TOTAL ASSHOLE!

                                      Calls herself  Treybian, and when she introduces herself to you she makes it sound totally absurd and  ignorant as  she attempts a French ascent instead of  the  Detroit  Ghetto Wench she is. or   . well, uh, like , a person having Stroke as she speaks before CHECKING OUT OF THE LIFE HOTEL  6 foot dirt nap this darling should reside in... 

                   Christ. Sorry to sound so harsh in what I write.

                 I just have to get some things out. okay? 

              Sorry, let me soldier on in my story, Mark.  Please edit at your will...



         Clearly my boss is fucked up as she would ask me, no  actually yell at me to "CLEAN THE MUSHROOM  ABIGAIL, THE MUSHROOMS!"                I'd nod at her dumbass title and say something like: "What MUSHROOMS,  ARE TALKING ABOUT?!?! 

               In my head I am wondering if it were her that took some mushrooms from somewhere other  than a Denny's or Arbys. breaded delights. 

                     She'd respond with: "Beth, didn't you get Memo 117? "

           I go back with:" No Beth here/ I'm ANNA, Uh, who is Abigail? "  

                 Meanwhile, a 72 year old resident  we  call Phillip trips over his own feet and does a face plant to the floor. ( in Nursing, this in NOT anything unusual, though I and others see this and react.) 

                      As we run to aide Phillip, our boss just drones on like and chanting of the monumental damned. 

                    Boss looks alert!

                   Oh My God, does she show a sign of hope???? 

                          Then the twat says to as we aide Phillip....


                                 "Oh, OKAY!!!  I'll send you another memo!!! Keep  up the great work. Stephanie! " 

            There is no one named Stephanie  working here,,, 

               So many of us Nursing have bosses like this.


              Everyone please see what a Nurse deals with! 

                      On an lighter note:


                                Me and the residence would call her "DSM  (dumb stupid moron"  amongst ourselves.  She was such a presumptuous bitch, so failing she couldn't even get the ascent correct to sound French.   

                   EDITORS NOTE TO ANNA: I did do some background checking on your boss. Sorry if this pisses you off.

                    Trebian  >last name for sake of privacy not shown<  (or however the fuck you spell it)   Graduating from Europa School of Serious Business  Management Striding (London, England)   7

 years ago   with a degree in Horticulture and Home Economics.  She worked hard, while gaining her degree as a grill cook at one of the first UKs KFC's in Europe

           Okay, so with that degree from a business college what the hell is there?

                   Obviously if you can speak the right way with a  background in plants, you too could become a SUPERVISOR  in American Health Care Facilities! 


                  Mark,  none of  us were ever really sure.  She was just that blubberingly messed up and SHE WAS OUR BOSS!?!  



        She walks down the hall, occasionally colliding with carts securing placed to second  Shift  Linens crew to perform their rounds, per normal as they do everyday to change beds and room towels and  linens yelling crap  for the head Nurse : "CATHERINE!  CATHERINE??? WHERE ARE YOU ???? I JUST WALKED INTO A SOME SHEET CART AND IT SHOULD NOT BE THERE! "

           Loved it when this happened as , this was about 7 PM and Catherine was off at 3. I'd often remind of this, yet this twat just couldn't g

           One of the reasons I still stay working here are the residences  chiming's  reacting to her BOSSES  rantings. It is their sharing's that  keep so close to them, 

             Jeremy, a retired US Army  General  in room 6 would say, usually laughing as he spoke: " You do know your chances of not hitting anything is higher if you actually look where you are walking! Y'know, it could help you. And by the way, WHERE'S MY FUCKING CHOCOTATE SNACK PACK?!?  YOU'RE MAKING 2 GRAND A WEEK FROM ME BEING HERE/"

                     Kate is a resident in room 2.  Kate was a Medic during the Dessert conflict at the age of  22. She joined the US Army after getting her Associates Degree as a medical tech and not finding sustainable work in Flint Michigan           


                My boss, acting like the blind bitch she is said while looking at her tablet: "Great, Anna! I know you got this!"  

          Hey, most   of the people living here either have dementia or serious psychiatric malfunctions."  

          This stupid bitch would respond with an idiotic, yet corporate positive  response of: " Anna, we have a living from this.  The money rolls in keeping us employed and really, most of our patients have little to no clue what year or decade they live in." 

         I threw my stethoscope to the ground, telling  her  i was feeling ill and leaving.

        Such the moron she is. says: "I'm sorry you're feeling ill. Maybe COVID???"

         My back to her, I said clearly and most loudly:  "It's those like you in charge that make our patients little more  than a paycheck you fucking  bitch!"

           I cannot believe I was not fired over that incident!

           So desperate for Nurses it is surprising what one can get away with saying!

           GOOD GOD!


             Most of these places will make you happy and less stressed to place a parent. AND ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THE MONEY THEY RECIEVE.

         BE CAREFUL. 

            SINCERELY ANNA from Medford, Massachusetts 

         I wish to thank ANNA for her sharing her story that is so like many others that are Nurses. 

        NOTE TO ANNA: You named the facility you work at and I Deleted it. If I overstepped my bounds doing so, I am sorry....

   I cannot thank you enough for sharing your thoughts! 








Tuesday, September 5, 2023




For the Nurses entry, I am still working on my Mothers arrival at Bed 17. My mind is trying to convey what she wished to expressed to me. Fuck, could you imagine what My Mom would have posted if she'd had internet>>>>?????
Damn, she would've controlled this!
Again, sorry for the delay in continuing....
I will write this out.
Mark william Darus

Monday, September 4, 2023


 Just wished to touch base on the Nurses Life entry which is basically the sharing of what my Mother told me about her experience in the Nursing Profession in the 1940's. I think this to be the hardest yet most enjoyable writing endeavor I have ever tried. Closing my eyes as I write, I feel I have been sent backward in time in the 1970's when my mother shared so much with me about her life.

Bare with me as the continuous could take a while...
I thank you all my FB friends but I must also thank those from another source.
Across our fragile Blue Marble I thank all that take the time to read what I write these last 7 day with a mere three posts.
United States
New Zealand
United Kingdom
South Africa

Sunday, September 3, 2023



                  Part two of a Nurses life.

       A reprisal of part 1/

       I arrive at work at 2PM on a sunny July day.  The humidity is horrendous, stifling and causing my cotton clothing to stick to my body. Not liking this as I walk toward the Dark Foreboding place we call TURNEY TECH, I yank on my blouse to take the sticky/clingyness away from me. 

       While walking the pathway to the entrance, I notice a few crows squawking and eating something and squirrels doing laps around oak trees chasing and playing.   I smile at these things. The air, though humid, smelled clear. 

                  Enter the building of the Insane.

        When I walk into this place each and everyday, it takes me a while to adjust to the odor of this place. Everything smells like either shit or alcohol mixed with bleach.

         I do this 5 shifts a week and face this fucking hellhole and try to maintain some sense of dignity for our patients as well as myself. 

         This  so-called STATE Hospital is a horror show.  

         Before clocking in, I scope the lay of the land before me:  

          There's two people on the floor tossing around unattended by anyone except gawkers watching their bodies act like fish out of water.

           Okay, I think, just a normal day at work. I do my job requires me to do and clock in.

          My Head Nurse, Mary,  approaches me and says I am needed in bed  17 on this floor.

           17?!? I thought to myself , how lovely this shift will start...

           "Oh, God, what did he do this time?"

           Mary looked at me with a weird combination of sad and smiling expression, saying: "You'll see... Sorry, Marion..." 

         Sorry my ass.

          I wonder what a mere 50 steps down a stinky illuminated corridor I will encounter at Bed 17.

          While heading there, a visitor, somehow having fallen to the floor, grabs my right ankle, causing me to fall and smack the disgusting tile floor.  I gave an OUCH!  As I helped the fallen lady to rise, she apologized  and  I went about my shift. 

             Not really surprising for visitors to fall down in a place like this. So many wheelchairs covering the walls on both sides of  aisle ways where WWII injured taken outside their rooms to perhaps socialize with one another.  So many of these boys shattered, my heart cried out for them, more often than not  the staring with blank expressions  after having lost a leg/arm/eyesight as they served Our Country to protect us and others across the globe. 

         Heading, as my HeadNurse said I should do, my mind is thinking about something to make me happier. Perhaps an embrace from a man named Ted..

          Such dream wishes fall short as....

            I'm approached by a man I only am allowed to know as 'h' as I begin  my rounds.   I say "Hi H!" 

            "Mare, you need to get to 17!"  he says to me clearly as his so fragile body appears so tiny in a wheelchair after having lost both arms and legs during the D-day invasion on June 6th this year.  God love him! His mind and thinking is as clear as a bell. 

            "Thanks, H!' I saying, reaching down and giving him a hug. Feeling his scruffy face against mine, I say to him: "If I get a chance I'm gonna give you a shave."  

           "Mare, do I really need  a face lashing, darling?"  he said with a thick Scottish accent , a wicked smile mating his mouth to eyes for sincerity. 

          "Well,  Sir!  You most certainly do and I will do that for you."

                     END OF PART ONE OF THIS SERIES.

I thank you for reading,

              On to Part two of my Mothers sharing to me.

         My lord I will! I said in a strong Nurses voice that would gain respect of all except doctors as they believed themselves gods on Earth.  Doctors love to think they are the end-all be-all when it comes to human survival. Well, most of the them are pompous possessors of tiny penises and love to SHOUT AND BLAME NURSES.  

        Feeling a cough rising in my throat I gave out a nasty, flemingly cough as I  walked to Bed 17. 

       Bed 17 is both a horrific place yet sometimes amazing area to take care of. It's  dweller.  calling him 'S'. We called him S as his dogtags were barely left on him as most of his head was blown to bits during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Seriously speaking, the MEDICS thought him a Nazi  wondering how he could still be alive. Apparently a few of his BOOTCAMP  buddies corrected the medics for his treatment instead of tossing him to the sands of death. 



Saturday, September 2, 2023

What is a Nurses Life?



              What is a Nurses shift in their day to day life?

                   I would also add how they maintain the living and do so. 

            while we grumble about lack of supplies and other mundane elements.

                         This entry is for Nurses.

           Does it really matter if they be RN, LPN or newer titles created I have yet to gain an understanding of.

           A wee bit of my background with Nurses in my 61 years of life. 

          My Mother,  Marion F. Darus was a Nurse around WWII. She worked a few hospitals in her life before marrying my father where they in their union created my sisters and I. 

         She did a few years at a place called Turney Tech (which basically was a State Funded Mental Ward for the Insane.)  It was Officially called THE CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL.


        Oh, my, the stories of that time in her life she shared with me!

      Imagine being a Nurse in the 1940's.

      Imagine being a Nurse  treating those with mental illnesses during that era. Other than Frontal Lobotomies, morphine and other Opiates to sedate, how did she care for these ill patients under her care?

     Let's take a walk down a few roads my loving mother shared with me while I was quite young. Maybe she knew I'd write something for others while telling me what she dealt with every day for a few years. 

         This is written as I think my Mother would have wanted from her perspective.


        I arrive at work at 2PM on a sunny July day.  The humidity is horrendous, stifling and causing my cotton clothing to stick to my body. Not liking this as I walk toward the Dark Foreboding place we call TURNEY TECH, I yank on my blouse to take the sticky/clingyness away from me. 

       While walking the pathway to the entrance, I notice a few crows squawking and eating something and squirrels doing laps around oak trees chasing and playing.   I smile at these things. The air, though humid, smelled clear. 

                  Enter the building of the Insane.

        When I walk into this place each and everyday, it takes me a while to adjust to the odor of this place. Everything smells like either shit or alcohol mixed with bleach.

         I do this 5 shifts a week and face this fucking hellhole and try to maintain some sense of dignity for our patients as well as myself. 

         This  so-called STATE Hospital is a horror show.  

         Before clocking in, I scope the lay of the land before me:  

          There's two people on the floor tossing around unattended by anyone except gawkers watching their bodies act like fish out of water.

           Okay, I think, just a normal day at work. I do my job requires me to do and clock in.

          My Head Nurse, Mary,  approaches me and says I am needed in bed  17 on this floor.

           17?!? I thought to myself , how lovely this shift will start...

           "Oh, God, what did he do this time?"

           Mary looked at me with a weird combination of sad and smiling expression, saying: "You'll see... Sorry, Marion..." 

         Sorry my ass.

          I wonder what a mere 50 steps down a stinky illuminated corridor I will encounter at Bed 17.

          While heading there, a visitor, somehow having fallen to the floor, grabs my right ankle, causing me to fall and smack the disgusting tile floor.  I gave an OUCH!  As I helped the fallen lady to rise, she apologized  and  I went about my shift. 

             Not really surprising for visitors to fall down in a place like this. So many wheelchairs covering the walls on both sides of  aisle ways where WWII injured taken outside their rooms to perhaps socialize with one another.  So many of these boys shattered, my heart cried out for them, more often than not  the staring with blank expressions  after having lost a leg/arm/eyesight as they served Our Country to protect us and others across the globe. 

         Heading, as my HeadNurse said I should do, my mind is thinking about something to make me happier. Perhaps an embrace from a man named Ted..

          Such dream wishes fall short as....

            I'm approached by a man I only am allowed to know as 'h' as I begin  my rounds.   I say "Hi H!" 

            "Mare, you need to get to 17!"  he says to me clearly as his so fragile body appears so tiny in a wheelchair after having lost both arms and legs during the D-day invasion on June 6th this year.  God love him! His mind and thinking is as clear as a bell. 

            "Thanks, H!' I saying, reaching down and giving him a hug. Feeling his scruffy face against mine, I say to him: "If I get a chance I'm gonna give you a shave."  

           "Mare, do I really need  a face lashing, darling?"  he said with a thick Scottish accent , a wicked smile mating his mouth to eyes for sincerity. 

          "Well,  Sir!  You most certainly do and I will do that for you."

                     END OF PART ONE OF THIS SERIES.

I thank you for reading,

Love and Hugs to you all!


PS: This before placing this on FB. 

 Call this an author editor share...

  About a Nurses Life: Part 1

Regarding Nurses. from a post a few days back when I asked for feedback...
I thank those that shared life aspects about Nurses. The three of you that cared enough to take the time and share fueled my fire to write what I started today,
Thanks to
As I wrote this latest entry, barely getting glimpse of thought of something to run with, the image of my late Mother smacked me in the face!
I swear to God it was her, my mother, the smartest human I have ever known.
Her image/soul approached me, my heart doing catapults before her wondrous being.
She told me to calm down as she took me into her arms after decades without such glorious embrace.
"Just write what I shared with you my son listening to talk radio many decades ago .
Just tell the truth when you express your thoughts and NEVER, ,my son be afraid when you do so! Some may like you, many more might hate you. My Son, Mark, I would've given a hundred female births to grant you life from my body.
My son, you've many a gift and you know those at your age.
Keep running with them, my boy..... Just write and to some it will make sense and others not. Son, that IS how life works.
My Mothers image began to fade away from me granting me a video from a band named Edens Bridgel.,
Love you mom
Saturday, September 2, 2023
What is a Nurses Life?
What is a Nurses shift in their day to day life?
I would also add how they maintain the living and do so.
while we grumble about lack of supplies and other mundane elements.
This entry is for Nurses.
Does it really matter if they be RN, LPN or newer titles created I have yet to gain an understanding of.
A wee bit of my background with Nurses in my 61 years of life.
My Mother, Marion F. Darus was a Nurse around WWII. She worked a few hospitals in her life before marrying my father where they in their union created my sisters and I.
She did a few years at a place called Turney Tech (which basically was a State Funded Mental Ward for the Insane.) It was Officially called THE CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL.
Oh, my, the stories of that time in her life she shared with me!
Imagine being a Nurse in the 1940's.
Imagine being a Nurse treating those with mental illnesses during that era. Other than Frontal Lobotomies, morphine and other Opiates to sedate, how did she care for these ill patients under her care?
Let's take a walk down a few roads my loving mother shared with me while I was quite young. Maybe she knew I'd write something for others while telling me what she dealt with every day for a few years.
This is written as I think my Mother would have wanted from her perspective.